News and Information

Carl Carson Resignation

Chairman of the Board Carl Carson presented his letter of resignation directly following last evening's water board meeting.

Mr. Carson cited the reason for his resignation as he and his family were selling their house. Mr. Carson will no longer be residing within the Tooley Water District thus will be ineligible to serve as a board member for the district.

Mr. Carson will very much be missed by fellow board members as well as by the neighborhood. Mr. Carson served his local community with kindness and effort. Not only is he known for bringing a thoughtful and fair approach to the Tooley Water Board, but he is also known to be a helping neighbor to the entire community.

Tooley Water Board will be developing a list of potential replacement candidates for Mr. Carson at the next board meeting to take place 10/19/17 at NWCPUD boardroom 7:00pm. Please contact John Amery John Amery if you would like to be considered as a potential replacement candidate.

Budget Committee Selected

On Thursday May 18th the Tooley Water Board developed a new structure for the Budget Committee. This change in the structure is intended to follow Oregon budgeting standards.

Five Budget Committee positions were developed. Each position is a three year position. In order to stagger when positions expire, positions will have an early expiration until we get on cycle.

The following people were appointed:

Position 1 - Expires 7/1/17: Susan Russ
Position 2 - Expires 7/1/17: Kay Pratt
Position 3 - Expires 7/1/18: Larry Russ
Position 4 - Expires 7/1/18: Janice Crompton
Position 5 - Expires 7/1/19: Carol Mauser

Three board member positions fulfilled

The May 16th election presented three board member positions on the ballot.

The following three positions were fulfilled:

Position 1 - John Amery (4 year term)
Position 2 - Richard Pontow (4 year term)
Position 5 - Debby Jones (2 year term completion)

2016 / 2017 Capital Improvement Project

Tooley Water Board voted to spend up to $2,500 (Capital Improvement Budget Line Item) on a new cellular based monitoring system. Tooley Water Board feels that additional monitoring capabilities will reduce the risk of failures as well as expedite fixes when issues arise. The board authorized Mr. Amery to work with Tooley's contractors (Hiland Water) to develop a quality base system.