News and Information

Budget Committee Selected

On Thursday May 18th the Tooley Water Board developed a new structure for the Budget Committee. This change in the structure is intended to follow Oregon budgeting standards.

Five Budget Committee positions were developed. Each position is a three year position. In order to stagger when positions expire, positions will have an early expiration until we get on cycle.

The following people were appointed:

Position 1 - Expires 7/1/17: Susan Russ
Position 2 - Expires 7/1/17: Kay Pratt
Position 3 - Expires 7/1/18: Larry Russ
Position 4 - Expires 7/1/18: Janice Crompton
Position 5 - Expires 7/1/19: Carol Mauser

Three board member positions fulfilled

The May 16th election presented three board member positions on the ballot.

The following three positions were fulfilled:

Position 1 - John Amery (4 year term)
Position 2 - Richard Pontow (4 year term)
Position 5 - Debby Jones (2 year term completion)

2016 / 2017 Capital Improvement Project

Tooley Water Board voted to spend up to $2,500 (Capital Improvement Budget Line Item) on a new cellular based monitoring system. Tooley Water Board feels that additional monitoring capabilities will reduce the risk of failures as well as expedite fixes when issues arise. The board authorized Mr. Amery to work with Tooley's contractors (Hiland Water) to develop a quality base system.